What’s Your Content Marketing Strategy Mix Formula?
What is the key to the creating a great online marketing campaign for your website or products? How can you capture the audience through a content marketing strategy needed to increase sales and revenue, gain customers, and move forward with your business? Many business owners invest lots of capital into their video marketing campaigns, blogs, or website, only to find it lacking regarding the return on investment it offers site owners. So what are they doing wrong?
Video marketing campaigns are an excellent way to increase the actions viewers may take on your page, the engagement level of visitors, and other aspects of your website’s success. But how do you capitalize on the positive aspects of your advertising campaigns to use everything in your power to increase your ROI?
The answer to this problem is to use an integrated approach. This strategy attempts to include all of the relevant strategies and elements of a successful ad campaign that encompasses the best techniques that work well when used together.
Effective Content Marketing Strategy Starts with Keyword Research
One example of an integrated approach is to combine keyword strategies from your blog or website and your video content marketing strategy plan. By including similar words in both the video marketing and the website or blog, you increase the implied solidity of the relevance and the relationship between your videos and your blog or website. Search engines pick this up and interpret it as relevant when the same or similar keywords exist in both your video campaign and your blog or website.
Effective Link Building
Links to and from your site are also critical. By having lots of links between your site and your videos, other pages on your site, and off-site blogs and forums, you increase the importance of your website as well. Just remember to avoid keyword stuffing at all times; use natural words instead to cross-reference your site with other relevant content that Google will reward. Always remember also that you are creating this internal web of information for real people who have specific needs and goals for their lives or their business. Make it real to them so that your content is something they will want to see again.
If you are at a loss for ideas on how to create an integrated content marketing strategy, here are five that might help you get started:
Create backlinks to other places on your site.
This approach works well if you wish to keep visitors on your site and provide content they will come back for later. Remember that people come to your site in a variety of ways, one of which is through backlinks. These backlinks may be on your on-site blog, off-site blog, your videos on YouTube, and other locations.
Steve Jobs marketed Apple and its products so successfully that people came from a myriad of places on the web, and all landed right back in the Apple store for the latest iPod, iPad, or other Apple product. He made his products and their ad strategies span the globe by putting a colossal amount of content and information with backlinks to product pages. Jobs did not use keyword-stuffing tactics. His approach was authentic, and he made people feel they had to have his products. So think of your website as an internal web that you are building, and strategize ways to bring your visitors back for more content from various places on the internet, of which you are the sole proprietor.
Strategies for Integrated Digital Advertising
This is Part 1 of the Content Marketing Strategy Mix Formula. Stay tuned for the next chapter in this methodology, where we will focus on strategies to an effective integrated digital advertising marketing approach.