Avoid Google Penalties With These SEO Link Building Tips
Link Building Tips From The Experts
Link-building is an important part of off-site SEO and is key to helping drive free organic traffic to your website through search engines. The problem is that although they are necessary, Google and other major search engines can be testy when it comes to link building, looking for unnatural patterns and applying penalties to sites they feel are trying to cheat the system. Understanding these SEO link building tips are important to help you avoid Google penalties, and ensure the links you build don’t hurt your website instead of helping it grow.
Link Diversity
It’s important to build links from a variety of sources, website types and formats in order to ensure the links look natural and you don’t incur penalty. This should include links from forums posts, forum profiles, web 2.0 sites and blogs, social media, bookmarking websites, directories and more. Ensuring your link profile is as diverse and natural looking as possible is very important to ranking well, and earning Googles trust in the long term.
Links From Websites With Related Content
Another important point to remember when link building is that it is always best to build links on sites whose content relates to your own. In other words, if your sites is about raising Persian cats, building links from a site about computer repair would make little sense and could actually hurt your site. Try to build links from websites whose content is at least similar to our own for maximum effect, and to ensure a natural looking link profile.
Slow Dripped Links
Avoid buying massive amounts of links that will all hit your site at the same time, or are all pinged on the same day or time, as this will almost always lead to a drop in rankings, and a manual penalty. Instead try to make the pattern look natural, starting with a few links a day and slowly building up. This will give it a more natural feel and follow a websites natural exponential growth patterns to avoid problems.
Language Counts
Avoid building links from sites that are in a language that is different from the website, sticking to sites that are in the local language. This is especially true of sites from areas of the world that are big in spam and porn, such as Russian and Chinese websites. In natural use there are very few times when an individual would link to content in another language, so these tend to raise red flags with search engines.
Link building is an important part of SEO, and by following these SEO link building tips you can ensure you get the most for your efforts and avoid penalties that could harm your websites. Make sure you link from sites that have related content, a variety of rankings, and try to create a build pattern that looks as natural as possible. This will help you avoid penalties, and make sure your link building efforts have the desired effect.