10 Reasons Why Your SEO Campaign Failed
The race to rank in the number one spot in Google is driving some businesses and website owners plain crazy. The pursuit to keep up with the latest SEO trends that seem to change on the daily can be close to overwhelming at times. Being able to achieve this high rank is far from making simple SEO tweaks here and there. Yet, many businesses still don’t understand the root of why their SEO campaign failed. Let’s look into some reasons why your SEO campaign didn’t have the results you expected and how to fix it.

10 Reasons your SEO Campaign Failed
- You Expect Results Too Soon
The number one item businesses don’t truly want to understand about SEO is that it truly is a long term endeavor. It can take 3 months or up to 6 to see organic results begin in a campaign. SEO results grow over time.
Realistic expectations are key.
- Your website has poor content
You must face facts. Content is king. If you’re not putting out quality content that is original, free of grammatical errors, is too short (1100-1300 words is ideal), and of incredible value to your audience, then it’s unlikely you’ll achieve the results you’re looking for.
- Your choice of hosting is not competent
Another common SEO misconception is underestimating the impact of your hosting provider. A reliable hosting provider is vital for the search engine performance of your website. If your hosting choice is unreliable, it could damage your website’s search engine ranking.
- You don’t have any backlinks
Backlinks just don’t happen. You have to work to earn them. You can have the best content in the world but if no one’s linking to you then it doesn’t matter. If you create ‘link worthy’ content then others will want to link to it thereby creating backlinks. That’s a resource for other bloggers and journalists to offer you backlinks and raise your ranking in Google. Another way to earn backlinks is to have guest authors on your site from other blogs to link to your blog. Whatever you do, don’t ‘buy’ backlinks. Google can penalize you for that!
- You don’t use enough outbound links
Citing sources and including references to other authoritative sites in your content doesn’t hurt your SEO, it only helps it. As long as what you’re linking to is relevant to the information. So the more relevant links your include the better for your ranking.
- You’re ignoring meta descriptions
Meta descriptions may not have any direct SEO benefit but they are extremely important for enticing readers to click through to your articles. Think of them as ad copy. If you have a boring description who will want to read your post? So in this way meta descriptions are quite important for gaining traffic.
- You don’t pay any mind to XML sitemaps
You can help speed up the process of indexing content for Google which will also prove that the content is yours. If you have a WordPress site, use the Google XML Sitemaps plugin.
- You’re targeting keywords that aren’t competitive enough
If you find a keyword that has low competition you may think that’s a great thing, but the problem is that no one is bothering to search for it. Of course the opposite can be true as well and your keywords can be too competitive and near impossible to rank for.
- High bounce rate
Head on over to your Google Analytics and check out your bounce rate. Are viewers leaving your page after 30 seconds? That’s a high bounce rate.
- You don’t check for broken links
A couple of broken links isn’t going to hurt your SEO. But if you go on a website and keep experiencing 404 pages wouldn’t you leave too? When I go to a website I want a flawless experience and so do most users. Every time a search engine spider crawls your site and hits a broken link, their indexing of your site hits a roadblock.
There are so many tools you can use to see what might be the cause of your failed SEO campaign. An expert marketing firm can help you stay on top of all the constant changes Google requires.
What common SEO mistakes sound familiar to you? For professional SEO services reach out to Bullseye Marketing Consultants. We can help take the guesswork out and turn your failed SEO campaign into a successful one.