Top SEO Trends To Check Out in 2019
Learn more about what to expect from SEO and how to get ready for a new year.
As the new year rolls in, we’re all recovering from the buzz of the holidays and getting back to business!
It hasn’t even been a month into the year. However, many industry insiders are already keen on discussing, predicting and trying to anticipate the latest SEO trends of 2019. Google, the undisputed giant of the search engine industry, is slated to bring about some radical changes. As a result, many marketers are striving to keep their guard up and get ready to implement new strategies.
Keep reading to learn more about what to expect!
1) Mobile devices will dominate the indexing
Mobile devices are increasingly more widespread. These days, a lot of users access content through their phones or tablets. This is why Google is starting to prioritize content that’s optimized for mobile navigation.
In this day and age, over 56% of total online traffic comes from mobile users. With such premises, it is easy to see why mobile optimization is becoming so important.
2) SEO Trends to Follow in 2019
SEO is no longer just about placing the right keywords in a text. This is a very outdated belief that strangely still drives a lot of SEO strategies. While text optimization still matters, one of the Top 5 SEO Trends is that the speed of a website is gaining more prominence by the minute. Google wants to give users the best experience. For this reason, visiting a page that takes ages to load won’t match their high standard. It’s very important to adopt better web design practices and ensure your pages are super fast and user-friendly.
3) Emphasis on brand mentions
Google’s most recent algorithms have a strong focus on brand mentions. Content that references a brand with a good SEO track record will likely benefit from an upwards boost in its ranking. Brand reputation will also play a much bigger role. Google will be able to extrapolate consumer data, which will give its search algorithms some insights on how your brand is perceived. Just to give you a rough example, a company with poor customer reviews will likely be penalized in its SEO ranking.
4) Voice search optimization
We all know that typing on mobile devices can be cumbersome and inconvenient. To address this issue, voice search is becoming increasingly popular and sophisticated. In fact, by 2020, more than half of online searches were expected to be conducted using vocal controls. For this reason, Bullseye Marketing Consultants must optimize SEO keywords to reflect a more conversational tone. Users are moving away from typing simple queries like “Best movies 2019” and are instead likely to ask questions such as, “What are the best movies of 2019?”
5) Local content
Google will prioritize content that’s geographically relevant to the user. For this reason, geo-tagging and focus on location will be more important than ever before. Many marketers still neglect to geo-tag their content on social media. If you’ve been overlooking this aspect of your SEO strategies, it’s time to reconsider!
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