5 Things You’re Doing Wrong in Social Media Marketing
Are struggling to get good results from your social media efforts? You might be doing something wrong. Keep reading to learn more about 5 common mistakes people make when trying their hand at social media marketing!
Posting too often
Some companies oversaturate their exposure by posting too often. Having too much content is just as bad as having very little content. In some cases, it might actually be even worse! You don’t want to risk annoying or alienating your audience by bombarding them with posts and status updates all the time. Instead, consider pacing your posts, as even a Professional social media influencer knows the importance of timing and quality over quantity.
Using too many platforms
Many people put too much on their plates, and as a result, there is a lot that gets left behind. If you’re handling your own social media marketing campaigns, you won’t have time to manage dozens of profiles. If you have limited resources, it is better to focus on a handful of key platforms, rather than do a mediocre job on a larger number of social media websites. Best to focus only on the ones that give you the best results. Your analytics will tell you exactly which ones are performing.
Not formatting your content properly
Many people fail to format content according to the standards of each platform. Good writing is vital, and so are other features, such as hashtags, meta descriptions, H1 tags, links and so on. If you don’t take advantage of these features, your posts won’t reach as many people. Badly formatted posts are also less attractive and likely to cast a negative image on your brand.
Adding or following too many random people
Networking is very important, and in the world of social media, there is an unspoken rule: “you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours.” This means that many people or businesses will follow you, hoping that you’ll follow them back in return. This could be a nice way to pump up your numbers. However, you must be careful. Most of these interactions won’t do much for your business in practical terms. Instead of worrying about numbers, worry about growing a following of people who enjoy what you offer.
Bullseye Marketing Consultants emphasize that networking with other businesses can be amazing. It can be so much more than exchanging likes or follows. In fact, it can open up the way to a bigger conversation and perhaps more exciting opportunities. The same goes for paid followers: it’s not exactly the best investment in actual growth and return on ROI.
Content syndication
Content syndication is essentially a fancy way to say “cross-posting.” This is what you do when you share a post on multiple platforms. For instance, you can take a photo and post it on Instagram, and also have the option to share it on Twitter and Facebook. Cross-posting is very important. It can help you promote your social media pages, as well as reaching out to a much larger crowd. This is also a really good way to increase the reach of your post, and expose your brand to a much wider range of people.
Contact us today to create an optimized, customized presence for your social media campaign that will best meet your business needs. Call 561-469-8460.