Top Advertising Techniques to Build an Email List through Behavioral Targeting
Top Techniques for Building Email Lists
With the prevalence of social media in today’s culture, many companies are choosing to forego email marketing as advertising techniques in favor of collecting followers, friends and likes on the biggest social media sites. However, there are a few pitfalls to this strategy that make email marketing campaigns a better alternative.
One of the biggest assets of email lists are the amount of control afforded to the business. While social media saturation will change depending on how each site prioritizes business feeds, email is very direct and guaranteed to go directly to the individual who willingly signed up for the list in the first place. Studies show that at least half of email list subscribers will actively engage in opening and reading the emails that they sign up for. This results in better returns than those who only see status updates passively in their news feeds.
As advertising techniques go, email marketing shows an extremely high return on investment. In fact, for every dollar spent on email marketing campaigns, there is roughly $44 made in sales. Interestingly, email marketing is one of the most cost effective advertising techniques available because it doesn’t require any print or media materials to be produced, shipped or played. Rather, it can be accomplished with very little labor. In addition, email lists allow companies to better target and send out personalized emails with usernames and data relating to each individual’s purchase history. This can be done by creating subsets of the email list based on user spending habits.
All of these tactics allow for a much-targeted approach to advertising techniques, and explain why an email list should still be a priority for any growing business alongside their social media efforts.
Behavioral Targeting Advertising Techniques
We all need new customers for effective marketing of our products and services. However, it is not feasible in behavioral targeting that prospects will make available their email addresses if they are not going to receive some form of benefit. Usually, prospects will be satisfied if they receive quality content. To begin with, you need to create specific target audiences. In doing this you can decide to select only those who have been to a specific page through any popular mass media. This may not be a large audience but the fact that they have shown interest means they will most likely to go for the product.
Behavioral targeting entails that you target those who already know the product and only need a little push to go for it! The disadvantage of this method is that it can be irritating to your prospects because most customers may not differentiate between what is real and spam. Therefore, set your popup light box in such a way that it appears just once per session viewed so as not to put off to your visitors from engaging your content further.
Behavioral targeting also involves being creative so that your target options will give you more than just an experimental view. This is a primary targeting method. It’s a rule the world over that if doesn’t attract it won’t sell.
Consequently, understand that your content must meet quality standards. You can do this by making your blogs motivating and enlightening. Additionally you can also offer prospects an opportunity to win some form of reward for engaging with you. Therefore, relate your price to your content and avail real contest opportunities to enable you win more traffic by creating a contest that enables prospects to engage in your content thus increasing demographics as you sell.
Build an Email List through Behavioral Targeting
Behavioral targeting is a fantastic way to garner new email contacts and to grow your email list overall. It is helpful to first briefly look at what behavioral targeting is. Put quite simply, behavioral targeting is looking at the past behaviors of potential clients in an effort to determine what they may do in the future and to see just how they may help build an email list.
Sites always track click activity, it is part of the diagnostics of many sites and it is only logical to utilize this information to send new ads, opportunities, and more. This can improve click through rates and can even help to improve overall probability that these new clients will view your content. One exciting new technique that helps to utilize this principle is using personalized content to generate your lists.
Content Personalization
Content personalization used in conjuncture with behavioral targeting can really help you to improve your email list and improve your chances of a client clicking your ad or opening your email. Content personalization makes your potential clients feel like you are speaking to them specifically which can create a one on one experience with your potential clients.
Behavioral targeting can help advertisers to create dynamic content that is going to help improve sales, improve overall email lists, and really get you in touch with your potential clients. Pinpointing shopping behaviors, looking at previous buying habits, and more can truly help you to improve your email list and build up a new list of potential clients that can help you grow your business.
You can also offer rewards based on previous buying habits if you prefer which can help your potential clients to see what you have to offer and what you can do overall and how you can build an email list.